And then David, the Kansas City photographer with too much time on his hands, got hold of a picture on Facebook and worked his usual magic.
Yes, this is laughable, but the best part was all the comments on the picture. I don't know when I've laughed so long and hard. By the way, that guy in the foreground is my Russian friend Meesha. David decided to add him to the event while he was Photoshopping.
Below is the comment thread that goes with the picture.
Meesha Viron at least my Mom didn't make it to Donna's battle of Lexington reenactment
11 hours ago · ·2
David L. Remley Turns out that Hemp Bales are NOT effective against Abrams tank shells.
11 hours ago ·
James Wood Ok, here's the problem. I've tried to warn everyone about Kevin's affinity for Warsaw Pact weaponry and the fact that at this point he may be a commie. Now somehow he's managed to get a damn Russian T-72 tank into the pasture. Even I must say it's time for an intervention. Somebody let that boy shoot some NATO ammo, out of ANYTHING....soon!
10 hours ago · ·3
Donna Allen Wood ::pats Monica on her little head:: "Shouldn't you be in bed soon?"
10 hours ago · ·1
James Wood No, I'm afraid not. The only thing that can help is true NATO rounds. 5.56x45, 7.62x51, or the instant cure, .50 BMG.
10 hours ago ·
Donna Allen Wood Hey... nobody had better shoot Meesha! He's the only Russian I've ever met, and he's pretty much against war and politics. Also, he doesn't vote, so you can't call him a liberal.
10 hours ago ·
Rachel Wood Fierro 7.62x39 is the closest he got. Sorry. Better red than dead. Wait. That's not right, is it? ACK!
10 hours ago · ·1
David L. Remley I think under certain circumstances Meesha could be sacrificed for the good of the game
10 hours ago ·
James Wood And mom, better keep Meesha away from that tank...he's probably the only one around that can read the instructions to get that baby firing. Although the one's I've been in had English and Arabic directions.
10 hours ago · ·2
David L. Remley It was the first time in the recent annals of war that an 1855 Oliver upturned a the amazement of all onlookers...
10 hours ago · ·1
Jeff Kinney Cliff, when you told Donna you needed a new tank in the pasture, you should have been a little more specific and told her you needed a new water tank....
9 hours ago · ·1
Meesha Viron When Germany attacked the USSR they dressed up a bunch of tractors to look like tanks. They weren't any good but scary looking. This one is a monument in my city. wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/ 6a/%D0%9D%D0%98-1.jpg/ 800px-%D0%9D%D0%98-1.jpg
9 hours ago · ·1
how neat!
ReplyDeleteI saw a week or so ago you were kicking people off your friends list and thought yeah, she will kick me off having forgot Janet Barbara is me in disguise! I see you did so I am requesting to be let back on.
ReplyDeleteLOVE it. Very clever. Meesha looks pretty spiffy in his uniform too. The rest of you appear oblivious to the tanks, though. LOL. A real MEETING of the MINDS to make PEACE before things get out of hand. This made me smile. Take care.
ReplyDeleteIt's a good thing I saw this. I saw the picture on David's page but it's very small. I couldn't figure out what was going on there. Now I know.