Monday, May 18, 2009

My new header... and tales of woe

My St. Louis sister-in-law complained about the header I've been using. She likes looking at Blue, she says; but she wants to see the trees leafed out. That picture I just took off, by the way, was taken over a year ago, but I liked it.

So what better to put at the top of my blog than my trailer house, I ask you? I may change it before the day is over.

Cliff's day turned sour after we got home from our ride yesterday. He decided to mow one round in the hay field just to make sure everything was working.

The disc mower failed him in a big way. It'll need fixing, and it won't be a cheap or easy fix. In fact, he says he's of a notion to "eat it" (forget about it and call it a loss). He hauled the old John Deere #5 mower out of storage and is going to try and get that working instead.

We are not real farmers. If we ever made any money at the little bit of play-farming we do, it would shock us. We're mostly just having fun. (Although right now, Cliff isn't having fun.)

Play-farmers like us can't justify spending lots of money on equipment; we go for cheap. Cheap means old and worn-out.

So, wish Cliff luck on getting that old John Deere relic working. He'll need it.


  1. I do hope Cliff gets the tractor working. How frustrating it can be when something won't work and when that can cost $$$ to fix too. I like your heading. Good to see your home and the leaves on the trees too!

  2. I think there is a way to set up rotating headers, this way you upload some photos and it shows a random one each time. I am not sure if it works on blogger but might be worth a shot

  3. I like Meesha's idea of the rotating header. Current pix looks fine to me.

  4. Lindie9:48 AM

    I wish Cliff luck. And I liked both your old header and your new one. I am easy! My husband and I were the same type of farmer. Just doing what needed to be done to live in the country. We had 23 acres and loved it. My husband picked up his tractor and implements at various auctions.


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