Yesterday evening when I headed to the kitchen to make my evening popcorn, I glanced out the window to see what I first thought was trash blown over from the neighbors... I'm used to seeing White Walmart bags strewn across our place on a windy day. On second glance, I realized the hayfield was being visited by Cattle Egrets. There were at least twenty-five of them, and they stayed for over an hour. I assume some bugs must have been stirred up when Cliff mowed, and they were having supper. What a treat! I would likely never have seen this sight living at the old house. You can click on the picture to make it larger.
I've been telling Cliff for weeks that I wish I had a couple of sweet potato plants. Just a couple, to play with (my whole garden this year is "to play with", really). I figure if I went somewhere to buy some, I'd have to buy a dozen or so. I remember how my mom made sweet potato slips, but it's a little late for that, I think.
Yesterday I decided to microwave a couple of sweet potatoes for our dinner, and I noticed one of them was sprouting on one end. So I cut off that end, stuck it in a dish of water, and am now waiting to see what happens. Looks like God gave me the couple of plants I wanted.
*I first called the birds "snowy egrets". After a little conference with Dr. Google, I realized those are fairly rare. Further research informed me that these were the more common "Cattle Egrets", migrating through the area.
We get a lot of those here. They like to follow the horses. I guess the horses grazing stir up bugs. But, their very favorite thing is when the guys mow the lawn... Remember that our 'lawn' is about 8 acres. They gather in droves. Still, my favorite is when 1 or 2 will pick 'their' horse and follow them around all day, sometimes even landing on their backs for a few moments. They are so pretty, white, and graceful in their movements.
ReplyDeleteWe get sea gulls in the feilds here. They travel in from the lake some days and it looks just about like your yard there. Baked sweet potatoes are yummy. I hope you are successful planting yours.
ReplyDeleteI'm always amazed at those white birds sitting among the cattle and sometime on their back. We have a lot of them here at times.
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful sight! Thanks for sharing. My MIL has been the same thing with the sweet potato slips. She's going today to buy potting soil to fill a plastic trash can. One of hubby's propane customers told them how to plant them in the can..... Well see what happens...
ReplyDeleteLife IS good and gifts are great. I'm enjoying yours as much as mine.