Thursday, January 03, 2008

Cliff and I are really getting down to the nitty-gritty about losing our excess holiday weight, and we've both dropped some pounds.

I couldn't do it without

It's a website where you can monitor everything you eat, keep track of calories, fiber, and carbs, and log your exercise... free! All you have to do is sign up.

You can type in your own recipes or foods if they aren't listed on the site, and they'll be there next time you have that food. There are all sorts of recipes to try, added by other members.

You can choose what nutrients you want to track, which has been quite informative for me: for instance, I found out Cliff and I weren't even getting 10% of our minimum daily requirement of calcium, so we started taking a supplement for that.

There's all sorts of information about exercise and fitness at Sparkpeople, right at your fingertips.

It takes awhile to learn your way around the site, but once you know the ropes, it's one of the best finds on the Internet!

1 comment:

  1. I love SparkPeople - it's the site where I'm running a weight loss contest with my family! I love the meal planning and shopping list - that's my favorite.


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