Sunday, July 15, 2012

Doomsday approaches

 Max's days are numbered.  His best friend, Jody (on the right), will miss him for a couple of days.  Then she will forget she ever knew him.  I've had friends like that.

 Iris won't know the difference, as long as there is one cow left to stalk.

 The truck and trailer are ready to haul Max on his one-mile journey toward slaughter.

 His mother, Bonnie, will miss him for two or three days.  After that, she will concentrate on her next calf, the one who won't be born for awhile.  Babe, in the background, is in the "I don't care" group.

Mama Kitty doesn't have a clue.  "Just feed me every morning," she says.   

We won't be eating this beef.  We still have quite a bit of beef in the freezer, and someone contacted me long ago wanting to buy Max.  The money we get from him will help to finance our vacation.


  1. DOOMSDAY, indeed. POOR Max. But lucky you. Lots of good meat, packed away for the year. Glad you blinked him into permanence one last time. Hope your stomach is feeling better where the burns and blisters are. I know how uncomfortable that is. Hope you get some relief soon. PS)went away to drain my brain. GOT sick. A trunk lid fell on my mousing arm and hand. came home. Then had no internet for a week. Now I have a million blogs to catch up with. i wondered what I had missed. Take care.

  2. Bye bye Max. Cute entry and so true about the animals.

  3. In case you've got too much hamburger we'll have ours packaged in 1 1/2# packages and the T-Bones cut 1" thick.
    Let me know if you need our phone number.
    It all sounds good for sure.
    Man, corn has gone out of sight if you're a feeder. If you're a grower like me, then drought has taken care of that.

  4. I guess you'll always have fond memories of Max...being as he is financing your vacation. As long as you have plenty for yourself, it sounds like the best thing to do. Hope your Monday is a great one!

  5. He is a pretty thing. You will probably miss him more than anyone. Fastening him off so you can get fresh milk. He will be a tender beef for whoever gets him.


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