Friday, May 20, 2022

A note from my husband

Last night my husband and I were conversing.  I don't know what led up to the point when he said, "You're amazing."  I don't even know what the conversation was about.  I thought maybe he was kidding around with me, and said something like, "Yeah, right."

"You really are," he responded.

And I said, "OK, how am I amazing?"

The conversation faded away and I thought no more about it.  This morning I piddled around in the garden for awhile in the early hours; when I came inside at 6:30, Cliff was already up, sitting in his spot on the couch, sipping coffee.

"Well, you're up early this morning," I said.

"I had some things on my mind, so I got up to take care of them," he told me.  "Last night you wanted to know why I thought you were amazing; so although I don't often buy you cards or make a fuss about Valentine's Day and all that, I made a list for you."

And he handed me a page out of the little spiral notepad he always carries around in a pocket in the bib of his overalls to write lists, phone numbers, and dates on.  I decided to share this with my readers.

I believe this beats any Hallmark card in existence.  

He's always said I don't believe him when he tells me I'm pretty, or sexy.  What he doesn't understand it that I do believe that's how he sees me; I've just never seen myself that way, never have.

I guess I'll keep him around.   


  1. That list is priceless. A token of love that outshines all else. Treasure it.

  2. How wonderful. Isn’t it great to have each other.

  3. That is so special. You've got a keeper.

  4. *haha* You'd better believe that's better than a Hallmark card. WAY better!! I'm so happy for you, sexy thang, you!! :-D ~Andrea xoxo

  5. Make a copy of that for all of your younger relatives for their anniversaries, weddings, Valentine's Days. Makes more sense than most cards! Linda in Kansas

  6. I’m taking notes!

  7. That is absolutely priceless!!! He is definitely a keeper!!

  8. Anonymous11:59 PM

    I LOVE this❤️❤️❤️

  9. Donna, as I said on Facebook, Cliff's list made me cry. Now here's the reason it made me cry....Months after my Danny passed away, I came across a Word Search Puzzle book. (Danny began doing those puzzles when he had to be hospitalized for his open heart surgery. Once he finished a puzzle, he would write the date and time on that page. Looking through the book I found, there was a page in there dated THANKSGIVING 2005. And this note..." sitting in the kitchen at the table, watching my wife fix our Thanksgiving meal. I love her so much." I'm crying now just writing this. You see DANNY was a lot like Cliff and didn't give many cards etc. Finding that book with that note he wrote in it was worth more than any gold. Danny passed away the following Jan. 2006. Give Cliff a great big hug Donna. Thank you so much for this.

  10. What a wonderful list he made of what he loves about you. SO much better than a Hallmark card in my opinion. You've got a treasure in your hubby too! Wendy

  11. What a lovely note--and heartfelt! Much better than a manufactured card indeed. Donna, don't take this the wrong way, but I think you're very attractive. I agree with the other compliments too although Cliff is the one who would notice those. (like memory bank and book finder)

  12. Thanks for sharing that Valentine note. I've been married 52 years --yes,we are getting serious-- but can't think of anything substantial to add to that note.


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