Thursday, November 12, 2009

The woman with no face

This entry was made in November of 2009; if you'd like to see Charla's new face (2011), click HERE.

I don't watch Oprah, but I clicked on a link that led to an interview she did with Charla Nash, the lady who was mauled by a chimp last February. I don't know when I've been so shocked and repulsed. She has no hands, nose, lips or eyelids. She's blind. She's been in the hospital since the incident happened. If you haven't seen the clip and would like to, it's HERE. You'd better have a strong stomach, though. I watched it once, but I can't bring myself to look at it again.
She was a very beautiful woman, as you can see on the Charla Nash Trust website.
This tragedy occurred simply because somebody insisted on keeping an animal that should have stayed in the wild, treating it as though it were human. She's being sued for fifty million dollars, but let's face it: No amount of money is going to make up for what happened to Charla Nash.


  1. It was just on the news. Poor woman!

  2. I started to upload the video...then changed my mind and didn't view it. It reminded me too much of a darling little girl who I formed a very close bond to when I worked in the schools. She'd been horrifically burned all over her body and had had countless surgeries from the time it had happened when she was a toddler. Even so, she barely had a face. And yet I never have known a human being with so much spunk and grit in my life. The first time I laid eyes on her I had to recover myself was like seeing a monster in front of me. I even forewarned my co-workers to be ready for it and yet the shock was huge for all of us! In the 3 years I knew Ashley she taught me SO much. Even to this day I still think of her often. This has inspired me to find an old blog entry I wrote about her and another student who pulled at my heart strings as well. As soon as I have some time to search thru my archives I'll get it on again.

  3. I don't know which I'm more impressed with: your compassion for this poor woman, or, the fact that you don't watch Oprah. Talk shows nowadays are more like the old side shows from traveling circus days.

  4. I watched the whole show. It was her decision to show her face and she chose the Oprah show as her way of doing it. She has a tremedous spirit. Anne

  5. Debbie11:09 AM

    I can't begin to imagine what she and her family must be going through. My sister-in-law's little nephew was mauled by the family dog several years ago and it was horrible to see the injuries that little boy will carry with him for the rest of his life. God has a plan for each of us and I have to think he holds a special place in his heart for those who endure a tragedy such as this.


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