Friday, March 02, 2007

And now, a video from the barn

My calf, Secret, is beginning to take an occasional bite of her grain (calf starter). I set out to show her eating, but she was soon distracted. Her ears are bent on the ends like that because they froze when she was born; she'll have some very short ears, once those ends wither away to nothing and drop off. (I didn't own her when she was first born, by the way.)


  1. Very cute. Too bad about her ears. Poor thing.

  2. She is adorable!!! I can remember when I was living at home, Mom and Dad had a baby calf in our house for a while. They did this about three times, one calf had a broken leg, another was abandoned by its mother and it was too cold for it to be in the barn. I can't remember what the third one was in the house for.
    She is lucky to have you as an adopted Mom.

  3. she is cute! her ears will be short, poor baby.

  4. She is just ADORABLE! Having short ears will just make her unique and more beautiful! Maybe she will start a new trend in the bovine community fashion circles!

  5. What an interesting comment from Steinbeck in your header. I love his prose and that quote is lovely.

  6. I just sat here with my son on my lap and enjoyed it! How cute! My husband wants to get a cow. We've never raised one. We'd put it on my mother's property and name it hamburger so she doesnt' get too attached. . .
    I really am not sure how this will work out.


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