Sunday, July 07, 2024

I'm back

Our son, his wife, and their five-year-old granddaughter spent Monday through Friday with us last week, so I left my blog alone while they were here.  Our son is always with us on the fourth of July, so we invite all the relatives who are in the vicinity, which makes it sort of a reunion.  The grandson smoked ribs and pork butt, and people bring whatever they want to add to the meal; it's a grand time.  But somehow this year's Fourth was about as good as we've ever had. 

I was a little "off" that day and didn't cook as much as usual; but I tend to cook too much anyhow, and then we're left with a bunch of the type of leftovers nobody needs, especially old folks like us.  This year there was plenty to eat, but not so many leftovers.

Mae, our great-granddaughter, is such a sweet-natured kid.  She is just happy all the time.  She does a lot of walking from Arick's house to the shop where the men hang out, and to our trailer house.  Each time she opened my front door and walked in, I'd say, "You again?"

These days I'm likely to call her grandma her mom, and our son, her dad, but she sweetly corrects me.  Her mom, our youngest grandchild, did fly in to spend two days with us.

There were a few kids present on the Fourth, and they were quite the happy group.  There's nothing like playing in water on a very warm day to make children happy, and I loved hearing their laughter in the background while we were all in the shop visiting.

Today I am officially 80 years old.  I struggle with people's names, but I still enjoy reading good books, making pickled beets, and working in the garden.  My hibiscus finally started blooming the day before my birthday!

It makes me happy that when I make cinnamon rolls, my oldest granddaughter Amber, and Mae, one of my great-granddaughters, love them so.  Mae didn't want to eat much of anything else the last two days!  It takes me back to my childhood when I stayed with Grandma Stevens and asked her to make cinnamon rolls; she was the reason I learned to make them for myself. 

Yes, there will be goats, once the pen is built; the goat house is in place.  It's hot, my husband is old, and Arick works.  So it isn't going to be built in a day, even though it won't be that big a pen.  They will do their best, I'm sure.


  1. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Family gatherings with laughing kids in the background are the best. When I was younger I did not appreciate them as much as I do now. I'm glad you are going to have livestock adventures forthcoming in the near future. I know how much you love having them. Rebecca in SW MO

  2. David 208:00 AM

    Happy Birthday Donna! You're now a decade ahead of me! I'm glad that you are still as active as you are. I always enjoy reading your posts and blogs. As for the goats expansion, good wishes, they are a lot of work, more than I want to do any more!

  3. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Happy Birthday Donna. There is nothing like a gathering of the family to fill our hearts with love.

  4. Happy birthday Donna. 🎉

  5. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Glad you are surviving company. Company is wonderful but tiring. Wonderful to see your son and those with him. Good luck with he goats.Galla Creek

  6. Glad to have you back!! Your family-time sounds like a good one!! My teacher/daughter talks about having a goat when she retires!!

  7. Family gatherings can be fun or they can be the polar opposite. I'm glad that yours went so well! Good food and company is the best. Happy 80th Birthday to you!! (and many more)

  8. Happy birthday and happy goats! Can't wait to see them!

  9. Happy 80th Birthday You had a great celebration leading up to your Birthday, Sounds like you had a great week with family and a good Fourth too. My little house was bursting at the seams with my kids, grandkids and brother and family. We all had a great time too with beautiful weather. Wendy

  10. Happy birthday Donna. It sounds like a very happy time at your house. You may be 80 but you know how to celebrate.

  11. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Happy Birthday Donna!🎉 It’s so nice to be with family when we don’t see them often! We have so many methods to correspond with them too. I’m just happy for you.

  12. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Happy Birthday 🎂🎈🎁 Donna! We haven’t had a family gathering for several years. My husband had a very large family. I enjoyed it. I’d love to have a couple of goats as we had in Mexico. Not available now in my HOA controlled community. Can’t wait to see yours. Blessings, Penny


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