Sunday, July 28, 2024

Sunday stealing

1. What are your plans for August?  No plans.  Same old thing.

2. Your mid year resolutions or goals.  Living until at least 2025

3. Are you good at taking care of plants?  Apparently not, looking at my garden today.  Bugs, blight, drought, weeds, and heat have taken over.

4. What makes you feel nourished?  Anything, if I'm very hungry.

5. Which animals do you see most in your area?  Cows and horses.

6. Books on your summer reading list:  Harlan Coben, Think Twice.  Emily Henry, Funny Story.  Kristin Hannah, The Women.  Spencer Quinn, A Farewell to Arfs.  Bill Maher, What This Comedian Said Will Shock You.  Jane Anne Phillips, Night Watch.  Shelby Van Pelt, Remarkably Bright Creatures.  I have all these on hold at the library.

7. Projects you want to tackle this summer.  Trying not to get a heat stroke.

8. Do you have weddings, graduations, summer celebrations?  I hate weddings and graduations.  If I ever manage to sleep eight hours in a row sometimes, there may be a celebration.

9. Which summer snacks are you excited to enjoy again?  Home-grown tomatoes, green beans, cheap watermelons at Walmart.

10. How much time do you like to take for vacations?  To go on vacations, you need to be able to walk around and see things.  I can't walk more than 30 minutes before I'm in great pain.  Same with my husband.

11. Where are your favorite picnic locations?  Anywhere the flies won't bother me.

12. Something that would be out of character for you?  Wearing shoes on our property and dressing up in any way.

13. Which summer movies are you excited to see?  I haven't been excited about anything since 2015.

14. Your favorite free / cost effective ways to have fun.  Reading

15. Who do you trust most to house & pet sit?  nobody

And now, for your pleasure, I give you Thelma and Louise, my Dwarf Nigerian goats.  They are chewing their cuds.


  1. Anonymous1:36 PM

    I have to admit, your goats are cute.

  2. Anonymous1:58 PM

    It must be an age thing because I would have the same answers for many of the questions. Number 3 Don't have a garden. Probably forbidden by the HOA. I do have a neighbor who used to plant a cucumber plant and then wonder why their yard was void of grass? Number 7 Finishing all the projects I have planned. There never seem to be time after struggling to finish necessary item. Number 13 Haven't been to the movies in years unless dropping the grandkids at the theater counts? Number 15 Don't trust anyone to water my house plants because the usually overwater them. Enjoy you day!

  3. Reading is such a great escape and cheap therapy. I've read a couple of books on your list and want to read several more. Right now, I'm about half-way through "The Berry Pickers." Adorable goats. I've known people who chew like that.

  4. Anonymous2:17 PM

    I need to read some of those books myself. I am currently fighting for my pumpkins lives, the squash bugs and vine borers are horrible this year. Last year in the drought we didn't have much trouble with either. Rebecca in SW MO.

    1. I'm about to give it up for the year.

  5. I'm in favor of not having a heat stroke!

  6. I find watching your goats chewing very soothing :-)

  7. Love the cute.

  8. I'm in favor of trying to live to next year. Also the goats are adorable. Some good books on your list; none that I have read, but they would be on my list too if I had one.

  9. The pigmy goats are cute! I have been reading more lately.


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