Tuesday, August 08, 2023


I went to the Allen reunion Sunday; that's my dad's side of the family.  It's the nearest I'll ever be to going to a high school reunion, since two of the 1944 cousins graduated with me in North Kansas City.  The other 1944 cousin stayed pretty close to where she was born in north Missouri.  When I gather with them, I feel like I'm the black sheep; they are all such wonderful people.  I'm sure none of them ever sassed their mother or father.  I guess somebody has to be the weird one, so here I am.   I had a good time visiting with everyone.  Cliff kept falling asleep driving home, which wasn't good... but we made it!

We plan to go to my other family reunion next Sunday, my mother's side of the family.  I haven't been to that one for quite a while, so it's time I see my Stevens cousins too.  It's a longer ride to Bethany, and I'm hoping Cliff won't be so sleepy coming home from that one.    

Cora spent the day today.  We didn't do anything special except for riding in the side-by-side down to the Corp of Engineers park to watch the Missouri River for awhile.  

We watched a fellow painting a boat.  He's up on the top in a light green shirt.

the guy is on a lower level in this picture.

Cora always wants us to take Gabe, our dog, along, so we leash him; when we get there, he pulls Cora around going to all the trees and anointing them.  He found a bird nest laying on the root of a tree and anointed that, too.  

Gabe seemed to find a lot of interesting smells inside this tree.

Cora will be ten years old Friday.  She has one more Tuesday to spend with us, then school starts.  We'll go to Higginsville again for Pizza Hut buffet that day.  Most of the other Pizza Huts still aren't doing the buffet. 

So that's what's going on.  In the garden, I chopped down the stalks from my latest harvest of corn.  I've planted my turnips, and they're all up, and there are some radishes up, too.  If I thought there was any kind of a chance we'd ever get normal rainfall again, I'd plant some spinach and peas before long.  I keep telling myself it has to rain here sometime, the way it keeps getting almost to us, then heads north or south.  Honestly, though, I wouldn't want some of the hard rains other areas have had; just across the river they had storms with 80 MPH wind.  No thanks!  I live in a trailer house.

That's about it for what we've been doing.  



  1. Hope you can keep Clift awake for this next reunion!

    1. Truly! I used to read to him and that kept him awake. Maybe I'll try that.

  2. Are you able to drive when Cliff gets sleepy? Linda in Kansas

  3. Anonymous7:17 PM

    It sounds very dangerous that he falls asleep while driving! This is Margie from Margie's Musings...not Anonymous!

    1. I don't know what his problem was, but I intend to make him stay awake if I have to take some coffee along for the ride.

  4. Hope that he can stay awake for the drive. Can anyone else drive the two of you, just in case? I'm a worrywart! I wish we had family reunions on my dad's side, besides funerals. That seems to be where we meet up.

    1. He's always had a tendency to get sleepy driving, out of boredom. That's why I started reading books to him on the road. But I'm not sure if the road noise would keep him from making it out with his new method of hearing.

  5. Falling asleep while driving makes me nervous too. That's a hallmark sign of sleep apnea. Has he ever had a sleep study done? That little boat is such a curiousity. It seems so tall that it would be easily unbalanced.

    1. He probably does have sleep apnea. Right now we're just waiting to see if he has something different from asthma with his lungs; he has a lot of different doctors right now, and it gets confusing at times, although I'm thankful for every one of them. That boat belongs to the Corp of Engineers; I agree, it looks like it could tip over.


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