Monday, February 20, 2023

Daylight Savings Time. Why can't politicians get together?

Back in March of 2022, the Senate passed the Sunshine Protection Act by unanimous consent.  Unanimous!!!!  We were going to stop going back and forth twice yearly and have daylight savings all the time.  The Sunday this was in the news, a group at one of the churches I attend assumed it was now the law.  Every single person, including myself, felt like celebrating.  As of last Sunday, they still thought it was becoming the law. 

And yet, I knew Daylight was returning in March.  Maybe because that would put us in DST and we'd never switch again?  But why hadn't I seen anything about this on the news?

Alas, our hopes are going down the drain, because the bill then went to the House of Representatives and died a slow death.  The House never even voted on it.

I don't know about your friends and neighbors, but everyone I talk to seems to want Daylight savings year around.  Something tells me folks in the House of Representatives just don't want to be caught agreeing on any bill sent to them by the Senate.  It doesn't even seem like a political question to me. 

Of course, it seems politicians have a record of finding a way to make everything a political question.  

I'm just getting this off my chest.  It makes me so angry that they refuse to get together on anything.  

Here's the site where I found my information.  I will accept any correction on this, as long as I can see the proof of it, as I'm really not familiar with the Insider. 


  1. I totally agree with you! They are paid well to do the bidding of the people, yet all they want to do is promote their own personal agendas and argue with each other. Wish I cold get paid to argue, I do it well!!

  2. I'm one of those people who does NOT want DST all year round. We've tried it already twice and it hasn't worked. For health reasons and my own preference, I vote for Standard Time all year long. I live far north which is part of the reason I dislike DST. (too light at night in the summer for me) However, I would like NO hour time changes during the year, either way.

    1. I completely agree with you, Margaret. DST should be been done away with years ago!

    2. That's actually my preference too. Somehow I just feel better and sleep better on standard time. However, I'm willing to have either one, just to get rid of the twice-a-year change.

  3. I think I have read somewhere that similar legislation has been passed by one house several times before but has never made it through both houses. Based upon history where it has bounced back and forth several times over the years, and the reasons listed for each bounce, I didn't put much faith in the Sunshine Protection Act ever becoming law and thus staved off disappointment somewhat. I still wish we could pick a standard and stick to it but I'm not optimistic that it will happen anytime soon.

  4. You know what? Dang it all!! I'm so sick of politicians having the time dancing back and forth every year like it's "doing the hokey-pokey"!!! Why not just divide the time and set the clocks 30 minutes back and leave it the heck ALONE!!! 🤬🤬🤬

    1. Now that's a solution I've never thought of.

  5. Anonymous8:02 AM

    I too get tired of having to change my clocks twice a year! It just doesn't make sense. and this is Margie from Margie's Musings. I am not Anonymous!

  6. I hate it too, and I vote for permanent standard time.

  7. I wish they’d leave it one way or the other. I hate the change. It takes me almost two months to get used to it.

  8. I agree with Carleen - just move it 1/2 hour and be done with it. There must be some business lobbying against this - train schedules, maybe? Otherwise this seems like about as non-partisan as an issue can get.


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