Thursday, June 24, 2021

They keep predicting rain

We are indeed needing rain, but all we're getting so far is a teaser consisting of far away thunder and sprinkles.  Tonight, they say, will be flash floods, gulley-washers, and sweet, sweet raindrops.  That's more or less what they say, but then you see the chances and realize we have a 40% chance of a passing thunderstorm.  Until I see it, I'll keep on using the soaker hose on my tiny garden.

Oops, I just looked at the weather; Kansas City is getting a fairly decent rainfall right now, and their weather often comes directly our way.  Oh, me of little faith.  As a matter of fact, I can hear the rainfall picking up now.  We shall see.  Below are pictures of my garden, taken just before the rain started.  I have different plantings of corn, beans, and beets.

A week from today our son arrives, and we're going shopping today in preparation.  We will stop at the thrift store and leave several boxes of stuff.  Yesterday I decluttered two closets and I'm so proud of myself!  You can see the floor in both of them now, and there are far fewer clothes in them.  I have a huge box full of children's books that I want to go through, keeping just my favorite ones.  Yes, MY favorites.  The ones I enjoyed reading to Cora the most when I babysat.  

Cliff works on his tractors every day.  He hasn't gotten the big White out of the barn yet; he's spending his time putting the 1650 Oliver back together.  He sold some Oliver weights yesterday thanks to Facebook Marketplace, weights that were for a different Oliver than he has.  Old weights bring good money, thanks to the many fans of classic and antique tractors.  My husband is $350 richer today, thanks to two heavy hunks of metal that he didn't need.

I made my favorite coconut cookies yesterday afternoon.  The recipe doesn't make a lot of cookies, but that's good, because I didn't want to heat up the house any longer than I had to.  The recipe says to cook them ten minutes, but I cook them for thirteen.  My oven is accurate, so I don't know why most cookie recipes say to cook them for 8 to 10.  

That's about all I have to say today.  I'm simply waiting for Cliff to decide when he wants to get up, get dressed, and go to Blue Springs.  Wow, it's really raining now!  Yea-haw!


  1. I bookmarked those coconut cookies, Donna! I know hubby will love them. I hope it's raining to beat the band for you folks and that you get a nice natural "soaker". Congratulations on the boxes of stuff going to charity and your successful clean-out. There's few feelings that match clean closets! I know you're going to enjoy your son's visit.... have fun! ~Andrea xoxoxo

  2. I see no rain in our forecast (just record breaking heat) and we could also use some! I love coconut so I would probably enjoy those cookies.

  3. So glad you are no longer being teased. Enjoy that lovely wet stuff.

  4. So glad you are getting some rain We had a nice soft soaker on SUnday and I ended up with 1/2 inch that I was so thankful for. We are so dry up here in Minnesota too.
    I bet you can hardly wait for your son to arrive. The cookies sound delicious. I am going to try them.
    It's such a great feeling to clean out stuff and get it to others who can use it. Wendy

  5. I. Going to try your cookies.

  6. You're going to get wet!!!

  7. Glad you are getting the needed rain. Here we've been getting plenty and have a chance of it for the next 5 days. They we'll need some sunshine for sure. Rain does make the garden grow though and yours is looking good !


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