More on the Marshalltown, Iowa, tractor show
As I've mentioned before, the Marshalltown tractor show was not a big one; all our local shows have a bigger turnout than this one. And yet, it was a productive trip for Cliff, mainly because of one man we met at the show.
This man and his brother had an exquisitely-restored Oliver 1755. He was able to tell Cliff where to get every little part he might ever need. Cliff picked his brain for over an hour.
You'd never know their tractor was this old; it looked as though it just came off the showroom floor.
Such attention to detail!
We were quite impressed, not only with his Oliver tractor, but with his Oliver knowledge.Plus, he sent us on a little side trip on the way home that was worth the drive to Iowa, all by itself. I'll do a different entry on that.You city folks, be patient. Eventually I'll have something to blog about besides tractors, gardens, and canning. At least I hope so.
I can't believe you went to Marshalltown! That's where my grandparents lived for more than 50 years. I still have many cousins and great aunts there! It's a nice town. Did you go have a Maid-Rite? They make the best ones!