Thursday, December 18, 2008

tap tap tap... is anybody out there?

I've obviously been uninspired lately. The temperatures have been frigid, and what is there to do this time of year that's really blog-worthy? I used to get the winter blues; these days, it's more like the winter blahs. I'm not depressed, but I can't really get excited about, or interested in, much of anything.

Cliff and I haven't missed our walks this week, even though it was only ten degrees when we went out, two of the days. Carharts are a wonderful thing: May God bless the soul of whoever invented them. I'll admit they aren't a fashion statement, but they'll keep you warm in any weather.

One day we walked down a steep hill to the back of our place, to the lowest valley, and watched an owl swoop over us on silent wings, land on a branch in a high tree, and turn around to look us over before flying on his merry way. We've seen hoards of geese flying, I'd venture to say thousands. Isn't it a little late for them to fly south?

I enjoy checking out animal tracks in the snow, although Sadie pretty much wipes those out as she circles wildly around us, enjoying her freedom.

So you can surely understand my hesitancy to blog when the most exciting thing going on in my life is a walk in the woods with my husband and my dog.

Oh, as to the title of this entry: Years ago a Kansas City columnist, C.W. Gusewelle, wrote a column in the depth of winter that started out "tap tap tap" and was followed by, "Is anyone there?" He made me realize that I'm not the only person feeling isolated at that time of year when Christmas is over and spring is far away.

I wrote a poem in answer to his column and sent it to him, and he wrote a reply. Mr. Gusewelle never failed to answer any letter I sent him, which impressed me greatly. I'm sure he must get lots of mail, and I'll bet he answers every single piece.

So there you have it, my meandering for today. I just realized it's been awhile since I've read C.W. Gusewelle's columns, so I'd best go catch up. You can even hear him read his prose HERE.


  1. I very much know what you mean - it's a little worse this year since we moved and we don't know anyone here outside of work and let's face it - when the snow starts flying its not a good time to find friends. I'll be glad when Christmas is over this year.

  2. got your card today! TY TY TY! sent you an email. ;)
    i never have anything blogworthy, lol. that's why i decide to let mine stay a journal (diary) i stated then, a blog is for those that are die hard writers...& that ain't me. lol
    brrr weather we're having huh?

  3. Up here Carharts are popular, I have seen them in church on sundays, grocery stores, the legion and barber shops, I like the blogging but even more I like jumping around reading entries, its 28, we have another storm warning posted for tomorrow, nothing new for here!!

    good entry!


  4. Donna--
    10 degrees?!!? When your fingers go numb, head inside! :-)

  5. I'm reading, and I'm only 2 miles away. I love you.

  6. Know how ya feel , dear. I have a pair of black bibs that I wear over my uniform on the way in and the way out. It sucks putting them on and taking them off but I wouldn't leave em at home for nothing! The holidays are always a bummer in my job, but it just makes getting home every day so much better. Keep yer chin up, cookie!

  7. I'm suffering from a bad case of the "whatevers" myself; just kind of lackluster and can't be bothered to get interested in much of anything.

    I really think I'm starting to be affected by SAD: Seasonal Affective Disorder. I've noticed the last couple of Winters that I've been mildly depressed during the short days with little or no sunlight.

    Anyway, you didn't ask for my self-diagnosis, LOL! ;o)

    Hope you find something to pique your interest soon.

    Me? I NEED to be making dog treats and shortbread cookies, but I seem to have misplaced my gumption.

    Merry Christmas, Donna! :o)



    PS: Thank you so much for the fruit trees and farm animals you've sent me on MyFarm. It really helps when somebody sends you gifts to help you get established. Who knew you could get so addicted to an online game???

  8. I get the "slumps" too...I will do something like bake cookies and take them to a nursing home, or volunteer at a local soup kitchen, it helps a little.
    loopymama....chin up girl
    p.s. watching a kids play always makes me smile and even gets a tear going....

  9. It is warmer here than at your place it seems. We had snow earlier this morning and now its raining and freezing and the roads are a mess for people like me that have to go to work. Very slow go for me this morning. I'm at work and am thankful for a safe trip once more. Spring is very far off and the worse of the winter months for us January and February are yet to come. Take care and keep warm. Thank goodness we have the internet to keep us all in touch.
    'On Ya'-ma

  10. TEN degrees?? WOW! I sure hope you are carrying your cell phone when you walk. You just never know. Be careful.


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