Thursday, March 17, 2022

Celebrating St. Patrick

Here I am between the almost two rows of Irish potatoes I planted this morning .  I'm not proud of my big ole feet, but Cliff insisted on putting all of me in the picture.  I bought that cheap shirt at Walmart in March of 2020 to wear in Lexington's St. Patrick's Day parade, a parade that never happened, thanks to the the Virus.  This is the first time I've worn it.  I no longer garden barefoot, but I was too lazy to put shoes on.  You may have noticed my left leg is straighter than my right; that's because the knee replacement straightened that leg quite a bit.  I had to sit down and rest a few times as I was raking, and kept reminding myself to drink water when I went in the house. 

Blue and Gabe entertain me while I garden, playing tag and doing silly things.    

The cat thinks he's helping by laying on top of the potato pieces.  I guess he's holding them down for me.

"Well, hello Mr. Toad."

Blue tried to get acquainted with Mr. Toad, but got bored and went back to his gardening.

OK, I put the picture of me in the garden and joker/photographer David did some photoshopping.  Here it is:

Gabe must have dug up the skull while I was planting.  


  1. Love the shirt and the sunshine! Glad you got some gardening done.

  2. Hahah - love the skull and your cat!

  3. Shirtsleeves on St. Patrick's Day! That doesn't always happen.

    1. Global warming. It gets hotter and dryer in Missouri every year.

  4. It's still too chilly in Tennessee to wear short sleeves - but at least it's a sunny day.
    I like your green shirt - - and your feet aren't big!!!! (*smile*).

    I wish I had some level land for a garden. It's much too hilly and unsteady on my property.

    1. Jon, with all your ailments, I doubt you'd be able to garden anyhow.

  5. The dirt looks good and rich. Does your knee not hurt after knee replacement. Just wondering. Someday I may have to have it done.

    1. If I had it to do over, I wouldn't have gotten the replacement. It usually hurts me just as much as the other knee, always has. But don't let that discourage you; most people get relief from that surgery, it just didn't do as well for me as it does for most people.

  6. I am impressed that you garden. We gave it up - neither of us could keep up with it.

    1. I sure have to take a lot of rest stops to sit down. The rake and the hoe wear me out.

  7. I love your cats in the garden! Martha, the boy cat likes to follow e around and he will put his front paws on the sides of big pots and watch carefully as I dead head. For potatoes this year I will be planting mine in a laundry basket placed in a half barrel. Then I will just pull the basket out when it is time to harvest. Rinse all the dirt with the hose. We will see how ell this works!

    1. The dog and the cat entertain me. I laugh out loud lots of times at their silliness. They play leapfrog and tag and they wrestle and have a blast.


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