Tuesday, August 02, 2011

The book I'm reading now

"In The President's Secret Service" is a book about the Secret Service and how it has evolved, as well as the training the agents receive; it also has plenty of dirt on recent presidents.
Ever since Cliff and I went to Plains, Georgia, and sat in Jimmy Carter's Sunday School class (and later had our picture taken with him and Ros), I've had a good opinion of him.  Turns out, the members of the Secret Service did not.  However, after a chapter of griping about him, it was admitted that he really was devoted to Ros, and that he was serious about his religion.  Hey, that's more good than they had to say about some of the others.  The president they seemed to be most fond of was Reagan, but they didn't care much for his wife.  They had good things to say about President Ford, too.  
The way they describe Nixon makes me wonder how he ever ended up in office.  Wow.  I'm not even sure he was safe walking the streets; he had all the traits of a crazed postal worker.  
Oh, and from what I've learned about Lyndon Johnson, Bill Clinton is a boy scout in comparison.    
In the previous entry I mentioned the fact that we had visited the Truman Library; Patsy from Arkansas left a comment that a relative of hers with rather loose morals worked for Truman for years; she and her sister had wondered if there was ever any "hanky-panky" between them.  
Well, nothing would surprise me these days, but from what I've read about Harry Truman, he was really in love with Bess for as long as he lived.  That doesn't mean he might not have slipped up at some time, though.  Boys will be boys.  But if you read the many, many letters Harry wrote to his wife over the years, you will see the love in them.  
So far I haven't read any dirt on Truman in this book I'm reading, but the Secret Service wasn't much of a presence back then.  After Kennedy was assassinated, they started expanding.  
I have a long-standing admiration for Harry Truman.  He wasn't afraid to speak his mind.  
That's about all my ramblings on this hot day (it may reach 108 degrees).


  1. That must be an interesting book. Glad you have something to keep you occupied during the heat of the day. We are not that hot but should be in the 90's which is hotter than I like anyway. Take good care and stay cool.

  2. I'm fascinated by people's hidden sides versus what they present to the public. That book would interest me. Jimmy C. seemed like such a nice man and has done so much good in the world. I think politicians now need to do some "plain speaking" like Truman.

  3. We have that book at my library. Your post is making me want to read it!

  4. Nothing like having the people who work closest to you spill the beans, huh? I would not want that life for anything. My kids give out too much information as it is.

  5. Anonymous3:36 AM

    Dee from Tn

    Well, you got me in trouble girl....LOL --just kidding. I ordered that book ( cheapie me though ordered a used paperback thru amazon for about $6 plus another one for about JFK's secret service for same price basically - but I will be able to get at least a dollar back at used book store so that makes them only $5 each.) HERE's where I got into trouble -- I had a bookmark of fave books that I have wanted to purchase for a loooooooooong time.....I wound up spending and extra $28 dollars - all used books and all these were with free shipping. Most of them ranged from $4 to $6 and I'll get a wee bit back at the used book store. I just could't afford the kindle versions. I am like a kid in a candy store when it comes to books. Thanks for the tip about the book - maybe it will take my mind off some "stuff" that is worrying me. (And get this: we are going to Knoxville tm for a dr's appt where there is the best used book store in the United States!!! So.....guess what I'll do after dr's visit...stop by Mckay's for more books....LOL . And here we r broke but we're eating a lot of pnut butter sandwiches and have more blesssigs that we can count!!!

  6. Well, you ought to know that Jimmy Carter is a grand old guy! Why? He is from the same root as The Sisters!
    We are related!

    We are also related to Merle Haggard. Hope you like him too.

    Aunt Helen was the Ex. Secretary of the Truman Library. She ran the place which should not surprise you since she is the Auntie of The Sisters!

    The Truman book about touring the country is so good. I don't recall the title...but maybe it was Road Trip! Truman was not a wealthy man. He drove he and Bess across the USA after he retired from office to visit places he wanted to see. Bess hated all the
    "hoop da lah" but Harry loved it.

    Truman is also related to the The Sisters, but it is only through marriage!

    My tractor man is in his shop too. He is painting his yellow and white farm all cub. It is too hot for such an enterprise as this. He has the hood sanded and primer will go on today!

    I pray for a little cool weather for both of us. My 3 grandgirls--Astrid, Ingrid and Sigrid--passed through your K C yesterday on their way to Nebraska to visit their Great Grandmother. When I hear K C, I always think of you and our cousin Winnie.

  7. As I recall from that book, the secret service didn't like the Carters at all. They didn't like the Bush girls either.


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