Thursday, December 06, 2007

This isn't all bad

I had the arthroscopic surgery on my knee today. I'm supposed to take it easy for a couple of days and keep my right leg elevated. So here I am in my Lazy-boy with the laptop in my lap and an icepack on my knee. I'm not really in any severe pain. Although I wouldn't really have to use crutches, I'm using them at least for today. Cliff stayed home from work to babysit me. Actually, he's occupying himself on my desktop at "the best of Craigslist" after my telling him about it yesterday. Every once in awhile I hear him in the kitchen laughing uproariously, or saying something like, "Oh, no!!!" followed by more laughter.

So if he hears me put the footrest of the recliner down, he hollers to ask me what I want. Geesh, I could do a few things for myself, but no. He wants to wait on me.

So now I say, "Oh WAITER," every time I want something.

"What do you need?"

"I'm hungry."

"OK, what can I get you?" And I tell him.

"Oh waiter," I say again later, sweetly.

He comes running.

"I'm thirsty."

I wonder if I could make this recovery thing last a little longer.


  1. It's all about taking full advantage of life (or of a doting spouse...whatever!)

  2. He is a good man!

  3. That Cliff's a keeper! ;) Hope you're (safely) up and about in no time. I know I'll need that surgery someday. My knees make the most awful rubbing/grinding sound when I squat down and then stand back up. ICK!

  4. Sounds like he is being wonderful. Hope your knee heals quickly. Whether you want Cliff to know if it does is up to you. :)

  5. What a great guy that Cliff is! Can you send him over when I have my knee done???? Glad you have your laptop so you can keep up with all of your blogging. Yes you are right when my computer was down and my clothes dryer was dead it was a nightmare!! Don't know which one I missed worse but they both are up and running again now. You just don't hang clothes out on the line during the winter here in Maine! It was only 3* this morning....brrrrrrrr the clothes would be frozen and never dry although my mother used to hang them out and then bring them in and put them on a rack by the stove in the kitchen! Things have sure changed!

    Hope your knee heals quickly and take all the pampering you can get!

  6. lol,Cliff is awesome!


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