Name your top seven favorite individual episodes of any single television series. If you feel especially enterprising, give a few lines explaining why you think makes your chosen episodes so good.
Either answer the question in a comment at Patrick's Weekender, or answer it in your journal and include the link in a comment over there. (To be considered "first to play," a link must be to the specific entry in which you answered the question.)
1. The episode of I Love Lucy where she has little Ricky. (Season 2, episode # 56)
2. The episode of I Love Lucy where Rock Hudson guest stars. It takes place in Palm Springs, I believe, when they were all visiting California. This one always made me laugh out loud!
3. The episode of I Love Lucy (do you see a pattern here?) where Lucy gets homesick in Italy. ("Sheeza my birth-a-day too")
4. The time on Andy Griffith where Otis is in jail and pours his moonshine into the water cooler, and Barney keeps taking another drink of water saying, "Somebody's gotta wash that crock" until he gets totally looped.
5. The special one-hour episode of "The Lone Ranger" that explained how he became the Lone Ranger. My first crush was on the Lone Ranger.) I LOVED the Lone Ranger!
6. The episode of Rin-Tin-Tin featuring the white buffalo.
7. I'll throw one recent one in, just so you know I do still watch TV: The episode of Grey's Anatomy where Bailey has her baby and the hospital has a "code black".
I never get tired of "I Love Lucy"