Wednesday, September 09, 2020

I've had it with this year. 2020, go away and don't come back.

I'm telling you, if one more person I care about comes up with cancer or any other serious illness, I'm going to crawl under a rock and hide until New Year's Day.  I have an in-law who's gone through radiation AND chemo this year and is still having trouble.  Cora, the little girl who comes to visit often, has a grandma and a grandpa who both have cancer at the same time.  They are the ones who watch Cora while her dad works.  My daughters husband went to the emergency room feeling terrible and it turns out he was losing blood.  He also has an infection of some kind.  They don't know where it's coming from, but he's on antibiotics.  They did surgery to repair the ulcer damage at the top of his small intestine.  He finally got out of ICU today.  On the home front at Woodhaven Acres, the grandson and his wife divorced a couple months ago; they were in agreement about who got what, so it was as quick and easy as a divorce can be, but it's always sad when a marriage doesn't work.  So yeah, I'm getting punchy from 2020 hitting me over the head with concern about my people.

My garden turned out weedy toward the end, but I sure got lots of good things from it.  There are still green beans coming on, and okra.  It's cold today; I haven't turned on the furnace, but with the temperature at 67, I am sitting here with an afghan over me and the dog beside me for warmth.  Cora is here today; I taught her to play Old Maid, but Cliff's sister came to visit, and they were talking; so it was just the two of us playing, which isn't the best situation because if you don't have the old maid in your hand, you know your opponent does. It was probably a good way to teach her the game, though.  I'm wondering if she's old enough for Crazy Eight... our daughter played that when she was six; Cora is seven.  I might try that next time.

Gabe ate too much watermelon the other day and ended up wetting the bed that night.  Yep.  Any time he has an accident, whether it's pee or poop, he makes sure I see it and clean it up, although he seldom has an accident.  I let him out of the cage that morning and took him out; when we came back in, he kept taking me to the cage and touching his nose to a corner of the fleece pad that covers the bottom of the kennel.  It was dark, but even with a flashlight I couldn't see anything in there that shouldn't be.  An hour later he was still pestering me.  This time I lifted the pad up and saw a wet spot; it didn't show up at all on the fleecey top, but was soaking wet and obvious on the bottom.  So I did his laundry, which included some toys that were in there as well as an old housecoat I put in there to give him something to dig around and when he's making himself comfortable.  He finally let me alone.

Every once in awhile, I have to toss a Frisbee around for my dog.

I think I'll stop right here and bid you all good day.  



  1. I certainly haven't appreciated much about 2020. (except my grandson's arrival, although that was full of stress also due to the pandemic and its restrictions) There is certainly much to worry about these days. Your plate seems extra full with concerns, but luckily, you can also enjoy time with family, including Gabe.

  2. Wow, I thought I was having a bad year, but yours wins, hands down! I have to admit, all the crap going on in the world makes me appreciate that I am closer to the end than the beginning and that i don’t have children/grandchildren to worry about.
    Gabe is a good little retriever, that frisbee is almost as big as he is!

  3. Gabe is a Smart pup!!, He wanted his cover washed and he knew who to turn to in order to get the job done!! I couldn't help but laugh seeing his little toys strung up too! 2020 has been a rough year. I'm praying for you and yours Donna. Love you.

  4. I've had it with this year also! Besides Covid, way too many bad things happened in our families! Your Gabe is a pretty smart dog!

  5. I love watching and hearing about Gabe. He is so cute and certainly has you trained, Donna. :)

    You have had a bad year alright.

  6. Oh my Donna sorry for all the terrible things going on in your faimily. I'll pray the bad things stop and next year is much better for you. It does seem than when it rains it pours. Yet there are still some things to be thankful for. You did get a lot of good from your garden this year and were able to spend some time with that favored little girl of yours. Count your blessings and not your problems, they say and things will get better ! We hope!

  7. What a wonderfully big spot for Gabe to run in. I loved watching the video, Donna. Yes, cancer is a terrible thing and so many people have it now. Rather than looking for the causes, they seem to only be searching for more & more treatments. Radiation from cell phones & towers, pesticides, additives to our food, the list is endless... and the powers-that-be know it all too well. But the "cat is out of the bag" now so there's no withdrawing the pesticides and the cell phones and all of that. I know that future generations are going to look back and say "Gawd, those people sure were hell-bent on poisoning themselves, weren't they?!!" Love, Andrea xoxo

  8. Smart dog! Yes this has been a challenging year. I have such pitty for those who don't know the Lord. I can't understand how they get through these times without God.

  9. I am so sorry, Donna. Prayers for your family and friends in their ailments and trials and troubles. I, too, am done with 2020. This past week, well, Fri the 4th my mom had a minor heart attack. She is 91 and has advanced dementia, so life is difficult enough. She got home Sunday afternoon and is doing OK so far, but then Monday night/Tues morning about 1 AM, my mother in law was air lifted to Springfield with congestive heart failure. She had 2 stents put in yesterday, will have two more tomorrow. She is still sedated and on the ventilator. Today we were notified that my 13 yr old type one diabetic daughter was exposed to a positive COVID child on the bus. So she is in quarantine for 2 weeks and will start virtual classes tomorrow. September has been an awful month.


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