Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Maybe this blog will help me out

One of the assignments in my creative writing class is a challenge to write something every day for two weeks, anything at all.  If you can't think of anything to write about, they say to start writing something on this order:  "I don't know what to write, I don't know what to write...." and eventually your mind will get tired of that and come up with something.  I'm not so sure about that.  Personally, I can always think of something to write.  It may not be interesting, and it might not be long, but there's always something perking in my brain.  In the class, they suggest you decide on a certain time of day to write.  

I write best from 3 AM until 7 AM.  I am every bit a morning person.  You might think, "With four hours, that shouldn't be a problem."

Oh, but it is.  I have other priorities during those four hours:  My first priority after getting up and letting the dog out is to make my coffee.  Then I go to the recliner, toss a throw over my lap, and lift up a corner of it to let Gabe get underneath it to snuggle against my leg; I leave the thermostat at 64 until time to wake Cliff up, so Gabe and I snuggle under the cover to stay warm while I play Words With Friends.  Sometimes I have 30 games going, which means thirty moves.  I feel as though that gets my brain working for the day and wakes me up.  

On January 1 this year, I chose to start reading in my One-Year Bible again.  I've read it all the way through several times, although the last few years I haven't made it very far in the Old Testament.  I love Genesis, and when I start in January, I have a daily portion of Genesis, a chapter or so of Matthew (another favorite, what with the Sermon on the Mount and all), a verse or two from Proverbs, and the first chapter of Psalms, part of which I know by heart.  I usually make it through Exodus before I get bogged down.  And boy, when I get to Leviticus, I start yawning.  I never read all those" begats" any more, because I really don't get anything out of them.  That means if I'm still reading the One-Year Bible on Valentine's Day, I've already abandoned the begats.  If the last few years are any indication, I'll probably entirely give up on the Old Testament by March and will only be reading the Psalms, Proverbs, and the New Testament portions.  I'd really like to stick to it this year and read the whole thing, but I doubt that happens.   

After reading the Bible I pray.  Nothing fancy.  Mostly I pray for friends or relatives who are hurting in some way and for God to show His presence in their lives as He has in mine.  I don't pray for the weather, but I pray for people affected by it; I don't pray for football teams to win, or any such nonsense as that... although I do often let God know how thankful I am that the Chiefs are finally doing so well.  My prayers, which I say while I'm still in the recliner, consist of nothing more than praying for others, praying for God to help me "be nice" and to show me the right road one step at a time; then I spend awhile just thanking Him for so many ways He blesses me.  This praying business can get pretty tricky, because occasionally, while I'm praying, "something" will tell me I should apologize to someone for something I've said or done.  I hate when that happens.   

What I'm trying to say is this:  I don't have time to blog in the morning, with all that other stuff going on while Cliff is still in bed!  Even the fastest, easiest blog entry takes at least an hour by the time I proof-read and change things here and there; many times it takes twice that long.  

My goal for this assignment is to blog every day for two weeks; that should satisfy the teacher.

Here's a song I've always loved.  It was popular several years ago.  Most Christians may have thrown it out, since the man who wrote and sang it came out as gay after it had been popular awhile.  I still listen to it.  His life-style doesn't invalidate the wonderful song, one which has helped me get through some rough stretches of life.  If I ever met him, I'd thank him for writing it.

Thanks to my readers for putting up with my "assignments" for awhile. 


  1. Thank you Donna for letting us know about your writing class. It's something I'd never have the courage to do. I write on my blog every morning and it's not always easy but somehow the words do come. Every day is a new adventure and there is always something to be thankful for. Good luck on your writing. Hang in there and before you know it two weeks will be over

  2. I think writing is like any other skill, you have to keep doing it to improve at it. You are already a writer, and gifted at showing us your life, thoughts and personality. I have no problem with people who are gay; I have many good friends who are. I only got to the "begat" part of the Bible before I quit. And Leviticus is quite appalling/terrifying.

  3. P.S. I like the way you pray. I do the same.

  4. the way everybody prays is unique to them. i like the informality of yours. it is special, for sure. in the calm solitude of morning you reach out. i like the song. nice lyrics. people are born the way they are meant to be, whether we like it or not. i think those lyrics say alot. take care.


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