Saturday, July 27, 2019

I have a guest post

I was perusing Facebook when I noticed an interesting post by a former neighbor.  After seeing the whole story with pictures, I knew it would make for a great blog entry.  Her name is Mariah, and she grew up right next door to us.  She loves chickens the same way I've always loved cows, and keeps a few hens in her yard in Napoleon.  Before I go any further, I need to tell you she's twenty-two years old, and she has a two-year-old son.  I include this information because to look at her, you'd take her to be ten or twelve years old.  I imagine her petite body has something to do with the fact she has Cystic Fibrosis; she has probably used up all her calories trying to keep breathing.  You'd never know she has a problem, though, whether on Facebook or in real life.  She has a sweet and energetic spirit.  And now here's the story, in her own words and pictures.  By the way, Polish is a breed of chicken, for you city slickers:

"Last night I found my last Polish at the bottom of the coop, lifeless, dirty, and a little worse for wear. Almost as if something tried eating her, even though the coop was locked up tight.

I never thought I'd be giving a chicken a bubble bath in my kitchen at 9:30 at night, but hey, life happens. Anyways, I think I found the culprit."
"The things I do for these birds.  Also to add, Peanut (the hen) is doing great today! This guy is going to be driven across town and released."

At this point one of my granddaughters commented, "Thanks for saving the snake.  He was just trying his best to fulfill the circle of life."

Mariah answered, "He tried really hard to get away.  I had both hands on him, pulling him out of the coop, one foot braced against the wall.  Like a cartoon."

So she put the snake in a tote container...

...and gave him his freedom someplace else, saying, "Enjoy your new home, Dude.  Don't come back, though.  I like my chickens."

Mariah ended her story with a shoutout to her man, who she said did nothing to help.  He told her, "That's your thing, Babe."  However, her two-year-old son son brought her a bucket when she asked him to.

So they all lived happily ever after.  The end.


  1. Hello Donna! xoxo Please tell your friend Mariah that if one of her chickens was killed inside the coop, then her coop is not "locked up tight". Steer her to this article so she has no more deaths of her chickens:

    Predator-Proofing the Coop

    Hope you're keeping cool this summer. Love, Andrea

  2. Wow. The snake would be dead in Galla chicken house if that was here.

  3. There is NO WAY I would be holding that snake, let alone pulling it out of the coop. Shudder. It would have met its demise too, not taking a chance on it coming back. Kudo's to her for getting it and moving it to another spot to live. Ish! Wendy


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