Sunday, July 08, 2012

Resemblance to my mother

my mom, on the right around 1 year old

me, one year old


  1. I can see a lot resemblance between you and your Mom. I have never really figured out who I resemble in my family. I guess I'm a grand mixture of all my ancestors. But I did get my mom's nose with out a doubt. One of my son's has it too.

  2. You do look a lot like your mom.

  3. ABSOLUTELY, you do look like your mom. You both were adorable babies.

  4. I see it!! I look like my mom too; that's what everyone says anyway.

  5. I can see a strong resemblance between you and your mother, both as a child and as an adult.

    I think I'm a mixture of both my parents. I got some of my mom's good features and some of my dad's rotten personality.

  6. Yes you do look like your Mom.

  7. Yep that has to be your Mom and you have to be her daughter. Nice pictures.

  8. You sure do look like your Momma!


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