Thursday, January 20, 2011

Pictures from our morning walk

This slideshow starts with us leaving our back yard and ends with a picture with our house in the distance as we were returning.  We didn't go the whole distance; it's so difficult to walk in the snow, we went about halfway, omitting the first (and steepest) hill.


  1. Good for you for taking your walks in all kinds of weather. We got a couple of inches of snow here last night and other than shoveling it off the deck, I probably won't be outside.

  2. I have to walk to the chicken pens and that is enought for me.
    I think about the black Germen, the german people were know as blonde and blue eyes any German that had dark hair and brown eyes was called black german. also it could refer to jewish people. They are know as dark hair and eyes as a rule.

  3. nerves05 ( Nancy )3:10 PM

    You look to cute all bundled up in your big jacket :-)..
    With me being a true a floridian.. i do not believe i would like living in all that snow. Maybe a visit would be nice cause it's very pretty.. i don't think i would like dealing with it for long.

  4. The snow is beautiful!

  5. Eight inches of snow is beautiful!


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