The nurse/practitioner at the doctor's office heard it too. She said it could be something related to his heart, so before anything, she wanted him to do a stress test... not the nuclear stress test though. Cliff told her he didn't think he could do it because he gets out of breath too easily, and she said, "Well, let's try it and see."
But when she took his blood pressure it was 190 over 90. She quickly took him to the emergency room in a wheel chair. They took blood for some tests and did a chest X-ray.
Now, I don't normally post blow by blow details on Facebook when I'm in the hospital with Cliff, but I had already "checked in" at St. Mary's Hospital. When something seems like it might be serious, I wait until it's over to post anything. But I had already started by saying we were there, and after awhile, friends were asking questions and relatives wondered why we had been away so long. So I was updating my whole Facebook family was worried.
Five hours later Cliff got a room, and the top number on his blood pressure was 165, so it was heading in the right direction. My daughter and I bade goodbye and as soon as I got home, I went to bed. This morning when my daughter and I got to the hospital, it was 124 over 70.; in other words, perfect! They hadn't given him anything or done anything to bring it down, except his normal meds minus his blood pressure pill (of all things) but we will be seeing the cardiologist soon.
My husband looked pretty bad last night, and his face was red as a beet the whole time we were there. This morning, normal color. The grandson said Cliff hadn't felt good for two days. My crazy husband didn't tell me because I always make him go to the doctor. And so it goes.
And that leads me to my other story: Last night, sitting in the emergency room cubbyhole we occupied, I heard the "PING" of an Instant Message. Of course I was getting a lot of those at the time. I looked to see who it was and it was Jimmy Capps, the session guitar player whose Facebook page I follow. Cliff and I read his book and really liked him. "Cliff," I said, "you won't believe who just instant messaged me!" And I read the first lines the guy had typed to him. "I am not smart enough to know the right words to say how much your likes and comment has done for me. All I can say is THANK YOU from a very grateful soul for your love and support all along"

It seemed like it might be Jimmy Capps, not that I would know, but if Cliff hadn't mentioned "scam", who knows what would have happened. He asked about my husband and I told him we were in an emergency room waiting for a room. He said, "Please don't tell anybody about this call." Well, I thought, of course that makes sense. He'd have everybody calling him. He wanted to give me his private number so he could "reach out to me" if I was having a hard time I could call and talk. I told him we have plenty of people around us to talk to.
I should have known by all this it wasn't him. Because guess what? I'm fairly sure it wasn't. I don't know if I would have realized it, had Cliff not said something. You see, I went to the Jimmy Capps Facebook page I follow and at the top of the page Jimmy's wife Michelle had put a warning: "If you get a message or friend request from “Jimmy Capps, it isn’t Jimmy. Someone has set up a fake account using hispicture. 😕 This is the only page he has, and it is a fan page. Thanks, ya’ll! Michele."
After reading that, would you believe he messaged me again today? That cinched it, and I told him, "I don't want you to contact me any more. My husband says you are a scammer." His answer? "OMG".
Sure, every seventy-six-year-old man types OMG when he is texting. a senior citizen who has a much younger, lovelywife isn't going to be wasting his time messaging old women.
But for a minute there, I thought I was going to be a special fiend to Jimmy Capps. I felt so special.
I'm fairly happy about it though, because it gives me a story for my blog.
Be safe on the Internet, folks. Don't be like Donna.
Hope they figure out a fix for Cliff's wheezing. Trips(and stays) in the hospital are no fun, and stressful for everyone. I think you handled the scammer very well. You didn't give him any private info, and let him know that you knew he wasn't the real deal. Take care of yourself and my best to Cliff, although he's never met me and has no clue who I am. :)
ReplyDeleteI hope Cliff is alright by now. Good husbands are few and far between and Cliff seems like a "keeper" so I hope you keep him for many more years.
ReplyDeleteHope cliff will not have to have a big surgery. Thinking of you today.
ReplyDeletesaying prayers for cliff. you hang in there.
ReplyDeleteI'll be praying all is well with Clliff. Scammers are everywhere these days and can fool us over and over again. Being safe is important and never give out any personal information unless you are sure who you are giving it too Hope things s take a turn to quieter days for you . Sounds like you've had enough excitement for awhile.