Friday, October 28, 2011

The woman with no face: Part 2

Almost two years ago, I did an entry about Charla Nash, "the woman with no face".  She was brutally attacked by her friend's chimpanzee and badly disfigured and blinded.  She lost both hands.
I've noticed over the past few days an increasing number of folks have been googling "the woman with no face" and ending up on the entry I did about Charla.  A big proportion of these people are in the United Kingdom.
I figured Charla must have been in the news lately in order to stir up this renewed interest.  Perhaps she died?  So I did a little googling of my own.
She's had a successful face transplant.  She received a hand transplant at the same time, but that didn't work out for her.  
So, for all of you visiters looking for information about Charla Nash, here's the update from two months ago.

Also, this news item.


  1. I saw a news story about her yesterday. I did not watch the video as there was a warning that it might be "disturbing." I wish her the very best.

  2. I recently saw a video about Charla. The face transplant has changed her life. She's looking so good as a result. Such a tragic story. I did not know you had written about it.

  3. Horrible tragedy that happened to her!! I'm so glad that she got a new face. It's hard to imagine how vicious chimps are. They look so CUTE!

  4. I watched a documentary on her yesterday. Very, very touching, her perseverance is outstanding. She has a lot of good qualities to emulate. I should stop moaning about little problems I encounter and just be grateful, that is what I learn from her.

  5. Charla has such a persevering spirit. What I learn from her is to stop moaning about my comparatively insignificant issues in life.


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