I checked Ebay; these old 1984 Rock magazines aren't worth that much; but they're in such good condition that I hate to toss them if somebody would love to have them.
They belonged to my son; none of my family that I've asked wants them.
So, if you are a reader and would like to have them just for a trip down memory lane, I'll send them to you. I'll pay the postage.
Perhaps nobody's interested. But just in case more than one of you wants these relics, tell me why you'd like to have them; the person with the best reason for wanting them gets them. If you're unable to leave a comment, send me an email at mosie1944@aol.com.
This is also on my AOL journal, because I'm hoping some 38- to 43-year-old person is a packrat like me and loves going down memory lane. Yes, I do have a few readers in that age group besides my two kids.
April 1984. Wow.
ReplyDelete1984 is when I graduated from high school here in Columbia.
Van Halen's song "Jump" was the biggest hit from their album, "1984". That was a classic song and I still remember it during my senior year.
Yes, that would be great to have that magazine and stroll down memory lane :)
I'll pass Donna!! I don't think I'd be interested in reading any rock magazines! It's nice of you to offer them like this instead of tossing them. Good idea!!
ReplyDeleteHeck i'm 35. So your age group is a little broader than that.
ReplyDeleteI remember Van halens song Jump when i was in the 5th grade. We had a talent show and this Good looking kid did that song in that show. He did a good job and won to. He had long blonde hair. I've always had a thing for long hair.
My hubby had it when we were younger. But i wouldn't want him to have it now.
Take care :-)
Darn! RNSheets beat me to the punch. I also graduated in 1984...and had a MAD crush on David Lee Roth (the blond haired fella on the cover of Hit Parader). And look how young Ace Freley from Kiss looks on the other mag. Wow. That year was one of the best in my memory. I won tickets to a concert off the radio that year and took my cousin. What a good time.
ReplyDeleteAce! Good grief...I mean PAUL. Paul Stanley.. It's going to be a long week. LOL