Sunday, March 04, 2007

Blue rolling

This is what my horse, Blue, does after every ride. Even if I go to all the trouble of hosing him off, in hot weather.


  1. lol, he is a handsome fellow, even with his rolling!

    horses do this to us on purpose.....

  2. That always looks like it feels so good. I can't tell you how many times I've backed up to a doorway and rubbed my back on it! LOL

  3. I put a picture in today too of one of my ponies rolling but he was rolling in the SNOW! They don't care whether it is snow or dirt they just like to roll. I will get them all cleaned up, brushed, Show Sheen put on etc and they still go right out and roll. I think in the summer it helps keep the flies off them, don't know what the excuse is in the winter!

  4. OMG! My daughter would certainly laugh at this one. She spent 4 hours bathing some horses the other day where she volunteers and she said the pony just ran off and rolled all in the dirt! De ;)

  5. Your horse really trusts you if he rolls around with you that close. Think about it; that's a horse's most vulnerable position; on the ground, belly in the air.

    He trusts you a lot, or he's really scratchy!


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