Friday, November 09, 2007

Today's motorcycle ride

I put some chili in a lame Stanley vacuum bottle, wrapped it in a towel so it would stay warm longer than an hour, and headed to Lone Jack, Missouri, where there's a Civil War monument and battlefield.

"Our Little Johnny". There's something so sad about that.

You gotta love getting a poem on your tombstone!

It was a little chilly, but a great ride, nonetheless.

Click on any pictures to make them larger.

Now playing: Jerry Lee Lewis - Sweet Little Sixteen
via FoxyTunes

1 comment:

  1. Wow! how neat. I think old cemetaries are great, they tell a lot of stories but also leave us with a lot of mysteries too.

    It's cool how you and Cliff get out on your motorcycles and do fun stuff.

    I know couples my age who would never even get up off the couch except they have to go to work. I dont understand people like that.....


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