I am tired, but it feels good to know I have a good start in the garden. The noon dinner dishes haven't been washed, and right now I don't know if I'll get to them until tomorrow. Cliff has been working on the neighbor's tractor all day and finally got it started for the first time since he's had it.
I don't usually plant all my potatoes on St. Patrick's day; every year I mention here that my father sometimes planted some on St. Patrick's day, but planted more on Good Friday because that is always in the right moon sign for below ground crops. I think most people just toss the whole seed potatoes in the ground; Cliff's sister used to live in Wisconsin and worked in the potato fields. She said that's how they did it. But I like to do certain things like my parents did in their garden because that's what keeps our elders alive in our life after they leave the earth. It's the same when I'm cooking noodles (thanks, Mother) or cinnamon rolls (Hello, Grandma). So I cut pieces of the potatoes, with two eyes in each piece like Mother did and put them in the row six inches down and twelve inches apart. This year the seed potatoes were pretty big, so I did another one of my mother's tricks: I saved the parts of the potatoes that had no eyes to cook tomorrow, even though I had plenty on hand.
My father believed in the moon signs, but not in the zodiac. However, I googled it out of curiosity last Friday and saw that today happens to be a good day for below ground crops on all fronts: the zodiac and the moon... and as a plus, it's also St. Patrick's day! I don't really believe in the signs, but I did it just for fun. If anyone is interested, you'll find the signs HERE.
I am envious that you have gotten a chance to plant already. The time is coming for me, but it is not yet quite here. Until then, I'll just have to comfort myself by reading about everyone else's garden posts. PS: We always cut our seed potatoes as well.
ReplyDeleteMy mother in law always did the same method for planting potatoes; chunked them up, then ate the parts without eyes. She always had a bumper crop of taters.
ReplyDeleteRebecca in SW MO
We didn't plant potatoes but we did sow peas on March 17th!!