Saturday, September 15, 2018

It's going to be a great day

At least I'm hoping for the best.  I started the day right, making moves on all twenty-seven of my Words-With-Friends games in progress.  I always do better in the morning, but today it occurred to me that I could probably put my morning brain to some better use than playing mind-numbing games.  Here's another thought that just ran through my head:  On September 11, 2001, how many of those folks who worked at the twin towers left home saying, "It's going to be a great day"?  I'd be willing to bet some of them did. 

Because, you know, positive thinking doesn't always work.  However, I started my day off right, with a piece of apple pie, floating in cream.  I only allow myself one piece of pie daily; I figured I'd be better off making it a whole meal than I would using it as dessert after a meal.  That's my reasoning, and if I have to take an anti-acid pill later, so be it.  We do have a parade planned with our tractor club at Higginsville, where their country fair is going on.  I'm not taking Gabe this time, due to the nature of the seat on the little International.  There is no place for a dog except for on my lap, and that would get uncomfortable quickly for both me and Gabe.    
See?  Honestly, I probably wouldn't take him anyhow, because I like to walk around to the booths and corn dog stands, and would rather not have a leashed dog with me.  Last time we were at this fair parade, Cliff took off pretty fast and I almost fell off backwards.  That black handle on the back of Cliff's seat is for me to hang onto, and after that happened, believe me, I hung on!  The crowd got a kick out of it, though.  

See that opening in the box below the seat of the tractor?  That's a toolbox, but today we'll make it a candy box so I can throw candy to the kids (while still hanging on for dear life).  We'll see what happens.  Let's hope I don't accidentally dismount in the middle of town.  

I've been catching up on the blogs I used to read regularly, the ones that still remain.  

Oh, Cliff had a doctor appointment.  He couldn't get his prescriptions without it.  All results were good, but it took much longer than in past years.  Apparently the government or the insurance companies are making doctors jump through some new hoops now, getting all the patient's information down, names of specialists, etc., even a small memory test.  Nurse Stephanie gave Cliff three words to remember, and he only remembered one.  Oh well.  She told me, "Now you know what's going to happen with it's your turn to come in."

Oh boy.  How much fun can one person have?  I hope my prescriptions last long enough to get me out of that for this year.  

Have a great day.  


  1. have fun at the parade and fair.

  2. That is a small seat! Hope you had fun and the kids loved the candy you threw. Most of my friends had to have that test at 65 when they were Medicare eligible. I'm a few years away but already worried about the memory test.


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