Monday, May 23, 2011

Met my new Physical therapist

The hospital therapist sent me home with certain exercises to do.  The instructions said to do ten to twenty reps of each exercise, two or three times a day.  Therapy is a killer; my daughter remarked that she noticed me walking briskly into the bedroom at exercise time, and then limping out slowly when I was done.  Yes, therapy hurts.  But it has to be done if I want good results from my surgery.  
My regular therapist was on vacation last week, and the temporary guy, Dave, was here twice.  The first time he came, I was bleeding profusely and he decided to let me off the hook.  The second time, he went through the moves on the exercise sheets with me, and said I was doing fine.  
So, today I met this new sadist therapist, Gary.  
The exercises I've been doing fifteen times, twice daily?  I now have to do three sets of twenty, four to six times a day.  ARGH!  
I know he intends for it to be painful, because he wants me taking the maximum amount of pain pills I've been given as often as permitted, and he wants me to call the doctor's office and get a prescription for even more Hydrocodone than the prescription calls for ("I don't want you running out on the weekend.").  
On the positive side, he seems like a nice guy.  And I will admit he managed to get some moves out of me that I hadn't been able to do on my own.    
Wish me luck.


  1. I hope this guy knows what he is doing. Ouch that sounds like more pain than I'd want for sure. Hope you get the prescription renewed.

  2. It's good that he's pushing you, much as it hurts. You'll be thankful in the end!

  3. Good luck Mosie.

  4. Sounds like that surgery and the therapy ain't for sissies!!! Hang in there! You are a fighter so you'll get it done! I have faith in you!

  5. That.....does not sound fun. (even with all the pain pills....and you know I like me some hydrocodone!)

  6. What is that expression? NO PAIN. NO GAIN. I say OUCH. Just hang in there. It will get easier. You're in my thoughts.

  7. My theory is that all of the Nazi's that escaped at the end of the war came here and started physical therapy schools and clinics. "I learned the Torquemada method from Dr De Sade at the Mengele clinic! It was awesome! You should hear them scream!"

  8. Hope all is going well with you ~ and those excersises are working ~ Ally x

  9. Lindie5:16 PM

    Good luck, I'm learning from you.

  10. It's hard for me to get my mind around how something so painful is good for you. Just keep it up I guess.


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