Tuesday, June 12, 2007

I won!

A few days ago, I blogged on my AOL journal about the email I received from AOL's Uncut Video saying I had won a nifty digital camcorder worth more than $100. I almost believed it, but until I have a prize in my grubby hands, I won't fall hook, line and sinker.

Today Fedex delivered my prize!

This thing runs the whole month of June, so be sure and load your videos there instead of Youtube! Maybe you'll get a camcorder too. Click HERE for details.

It has nothing to do with how good the video is; they simply pick one at random, like a drawing. My winning video was 30 seconds of a campfire burning.


  1. Oh hey congratulations! You're adorable--all smiles, love it.

    Well...you got away from my tag this time, I'll keep you in mind down the road and in the meantime, I hope you have a fabulous week!

  2. how cool!

    now I actually KNOW someone who has WON something from an online contest....well, sorta kinda know ya-I read your blogs, so that counts right?

    too cute photo! did you take it of yourself? when I try that, mine never look that good...

  3. congratulations!!! wish something like that could happen to me too:)


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