Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Cliff started his work-day yesterday as soon as we got done with our daily walk.  First he mowed the alfalfa/orchard grass hay behind our house.  This is where I picked up all those weeds, which my readers agree is dock.  A Nebraska farmer not only confirmed that, but told me the best way to control it:  "Farmers in this area call it dock or sour dock.
It is not a problem in tilled fields because of its perenial nature.
We have it in the farmstead area of our farm and lots where the horses are penned. I've found it controlled best in early spring with a strong solution of 2,4D in a little 2 gallon sprayer. Just hit the middle of each plant as it is beginning growth and that should do it. It will kill that plant for good and it won't reemerge the next year. It doesn't take much of this spot spraying to give the brome the advantage." 

By the time Cliff finished this field, it was near noon and time for dinner.  
Next, the clover field, which was so dense and tall that recent rains had knocked a lot of it down.  That can make mowing very difficult if not impossible, although with the disc mower we bought from my cousin and her husband, it's not so bad.  With the old sickle mower it would have been awful.  

That is a LOT of clover.  If we get all the hay that's been mowed into the barn with no problems, I'm sure it will be enough for our livestock next winter.  That means the next cuttings would be extra.  Of course, every farmer in the area is probably getting the same results, so there will be a large supply of hay for next winter and it won't bring as much money when people sell it.

I had a brief scare this morning.  Stepping outside to go tend to the cows, I heard thunder.  I looked to the west and noticed quite a display of lightening.  My heart sank, because a heavy rain could ruin our hay.  Thank goodness it dissipated before it got to us, and we only got a few scattered raindrops.  Whew.  


  1. Thankfully, no rain so you can get your hay in. Better extra than not enough for sure.

  2. Glad it didn't rain and spoil your hay.

  3. Love to see all that activity and I know you are very thankful that life is back to normal. It rained here today and it wasn't supposed to until tomorrow. However, I have no hay to worry about. ;)


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