Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Iris watched the Dog Whisperer this evening

She tries to restrain herself, but it just isn't possible.  Something else I found out today:  If she hears a baby crying on TV, she comes running to me and barks, as if I'm supposed to stop the baby from crying.  


  1. Watching all these videos, I feel like Iris is MY dog now. Does she ever talk about me?

  2. Anonymous7:01 AM

    That's one smart dog.Karen

  3. Mrs. L, she did mention having Chicago connections.

  4. She really watches that show. Wondering if wherever she lived before had a baby that she feels she should take care of them. Helen

  5. That makes me feel better. If I ever need you to watch Kameron, I'll know that Iris will alert you to any problems.


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