Sunday, December 22, 2024

I had myself an adventure

I went for a walk Friday, I believe it was.  On one of the "fingers" of our land where I turn around and walk back, lately I have been noticing that particular path that goes down, down, down to to very back fence of our property.  I've climbed every hill back there when I was younger, looking for blackberries or mushrooms, or just because I love  the peace of the place.  I have noticed how much stronger my legs are lately, and I wanted to see if I could get down there under my own power.  Of course, what goes down must come up, but after about a week of thinking about it, I was sure I could climb back up, even if I had to sit down and rest every five minutes.  I didn't tell Cliff I'd be gone longer, but I knew if he got worried he'd call my cell phone; if that didn't work, he'd hop on the four-wheeler and come find me.

And down I went!  When I first started, Gabe stayed behind, knowing he and I have never gone there before.  I had to ask him twice to follow me.  It took awhile, but after going through wet spots from a spring that flows out of the ground and climbing over several fallen dead trees, I made it, entered my favorite canyon, and decided to let my friends see this part of our place.

This is the hill I climbed up when I was done in the valley.


  1. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Love the pictures of the Waterloo hill area. The old house where I lived was destroyed by fire. Is the old barn still standing?

    1. Where was that? And do I know you?

  2. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Oh my goodness gracious! I would love to do that walk. An adventure indeed. Since I am abed most of the time, I live vicariously through others. Watching this clip brought memories back of a time when Roger and I hiked, biked and strolled through some of the most beautiful places. Blessings, Penny

  3. That hill is STEEP! I love your adventurous spirit, Donna!

  4. Anonymous2:49 PM

    It's beautiful. Thank you for the pictures. I'm glad you were able to go there. Rebecca in SW MO

  5. Good for you for setting a goal and then completing it!

  6. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Walking is always showing new things.

  7. For a one eyed woman, you get yourself around! Merry Christmas to you and Cliff! Isn't it about time to see some kitten pics?

  8. Anonymous5:07 PM

    That looks like an old road bed.

    1. I don't know. There used to be coal mines all over in that area,


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