Here are this week’s “Saturday Six” questions. Either answer the questions in a comment at Patrick's Place, or put the answers in an entry on your journal…but either way, leave a link to your journal so that everyone else can visit! To be counted as “first to play,” you must be the first player to either answer the questions in a comment or to provide a complete link to the specific entry in your journal in which you answer the questions. A link to your journal in general cannot count. Enjoy!
1. Considering all possible factors about a person that make us different, like age, appearance, religion, race, origin, sexual preference, etc., with 10 being the most prejudiced and 1 being the least, how do you think you would rate yourself?
I'm ashamed to say it, but probably a 5.
2. You’re having a problem with a product or service and you call customer service. You are finally connected with someone who has a thick accent that sounds difficult to understand. What is the first thing that goes through your mind?
As a result of dealing with this so often (thanks to AOL, Dell, and other computer-related technical phone lines) I simply shrug and strain to understand what they are saying. I expect it.
3. A co-worker you like tells you that his or her church is holding an “open house” and is encouraging people of other faiths to visit. You and your co-worker are of different faiths. How likely would you be to attend?
As long as my co-worker offered to come and pick me up (I don't drive), I'd jump at the chance.
4. Take the quiz: Are you prejudiced?
You Are a Little PrejudicedBut you tend to be aware of your prejudices, and you fight them the best you can.
Most people are more like you than they'd care to admit... but it doesn't mean you shouldn't change.
Remember to take each person as an individual. It's not fair to judge someone based on their background or subculture.
5. You lose a big promotion to someone who you considered to be less qualified than you are, despite the fact that you are only going by instinct in making that determination. If your boss later pulls you aside and explains that because of a growing effort to promote diversity, the other person was selected over you. What would your first reaction likely be?
good honest answers. I think I am about a 4-5 on the list too...
ReplyDeleteMy parents raised me to take each person as an individual and I think I do a good job of it. I took that test and here's the results:
ReplyDeleteYou Are Not Prejudiced
Not only are you color blind, but you're also ethnicity blind, gender blind, and sexual orientation blind.
You don't judge someone until you truly know them. And even then, you're probably reluctant to judge.
You try to treat everyone equally. Everyone has a fair chance with you.
Good job - there's not a prejudiced bone in your body.
I don't like to be judged so I don't like to judge...