Saturday, February 22, 2025

Let the sunshine in!

It's 20° now, but we're heading up to 40.  Oh, how nice it will be as we see springtime highs before spring arrives.  Of course it won't last, but I intend to make the most of it.  

Last fall I didn't do much cleanup in the garden, so there is plenty I can do toward getting ready for planting on these nice days.

I am so proud of myself for finally figuring out how online grocery coupons work.  I've been missing a lot!  I sign on the Internet to my-Price-Chopper-dot-com page, see what they have, and click on the coupons I want to use.  A while back I got three two-pound boxes of Velveeta for either $3.99 or $4.99... I don't recall; and I could have gotten five of them!  I just don't have room to keep extra food around.  This week I brought home five 16-ounce packages of Oscar Mayer bacon for $2.99.  We don't always go to Price Chopper; our regular go-to is Walmart at Oak Grove, 15 miles away.  But when they have something we use, if it's a good buy, we drive on five miles.  Also, we go to Blue Springs pretty often, which is another five miles from Grain Valley.  Cliff's cardiologist is there, and his sister lives there.  So a trip to to Price Chopper isn't always a dead end.

Anyhow, if you are near a grocery store that uses online coupons, it may be worth the trouble of learning, even if you're as old as me.  I will admit I had a hard time of it, and came home with something that had a coupon that I forgot to click on, which means I paid the full price.  That's how we learn.  I get almost all of my meat from Price Chopper when it's on sale.  

I wish for all of you some great weather!


  1. Anonymous10:26 AM

    I need to learn how to do that myself. Our grocery store does this but I haven’t figured out how to redeem the coupons. Rebecca in SW MO

  2. My mom isn't able to access the digital coupons with her flip phone; I probably can but am not sure how to do that unless I pay for her groceries and she pays me back.

    1. I get them on my computer at home. You don't have to show them to anyone, so no need to use a phone.

  3. Gabby Gengler12:10 AM

    Good idea Donna. I’m with 🇺🇦 Ukraine too!

  4. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Seems every store now wants you to sign up and download to get a price break. I think it leaves out a lot of elderly folks who aren’t techy.. Seems very unfair to me.

  5. I love your shirt! That's a great one, Donna.

    Couponing has always been crazy to me. I know that there are people out there who do crazy good with them, but it always seems like they are stocking up on things just because they are cheap, not because they are things that they use. I stick to my Aldi shopping and keep my eyes open. The last time we were there, they had half and half for a dollar off. $1.79 a quart. Since I make my own yogurt, this was an excellent buy. I got 3.


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