Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Songs my mother taught me

I believe my mother thought I would grow up to be a famous singer.  She'd hear a song on the radio that she liked, and then go to a music store and buy the sheet music of the song.  She'd teach me the song, find someone to play the piano for me, then she'd find someplace for me to sing it where folks would hear it.  Some were country songs of the early fifties: SlowPoke, by Peewee king; Mister and Mississippi, by Patti Page, which I sang with a little boy at some program.  We were dressed like tramps, me with patches on my dress, the boy with overalls, carrying a stick over his shoulder that held his backpack.  I'd sing one verse, he'd sing another.  She made me learn a love song, My Heart Cries for You, at the age of seven; I hated that lovey-dovey thing, although I still remember the words.  

The Preacher had asked me if I'd sing a song for last Sunday, and I told him I could probably come up with something.  His daughters had sung a Christmas song about the moon and stars a week before, and that reminded me of a Christmas song Mother made me learn called Star of the East.  I think I sang in at Christmas program at the one-room country school I went to, but in all the years since, I never heard it sung at any time on a radio during the holiday season.  I couldn't find it on Youtube until a few years ago, but it is there now.  Judy Garland had a record of it in 1941, three years before I was born.

I did a video just now of it.  Forgive the times I go off-key, especially on the high note.  But I am, after all, 80 years old; so it's a wonder I even come close to carrying a tune!  Consider it my Christmas card to you.  


  1. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Thank you for the special song. Enjoyed it. Christmas cheer delivered.

    1. Thank you, and have yourself a great Christmas day, Anonymous #1.

  2. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Love your posts.

    1. Whoever you are, thank you and Merry Christmas.

  3. Anonymous10:07 PM

    I have never heard this song before tonight. What an awesome Christmas Eve gift Blessings and Merry Christmas, Penny

    1. It was actually German, originally, written in the late 1800's; I found that out on Youtube. I'm glad I could share it.

  4. Anonymous11:53 PM

    Love this “ new to me “ song . And I enjoyed hearing you sing. Merry Christmas to you and Cliff! Thanks for sharing .

    Dee from the hills of East Tennessee

  5. Merry Christmas!

    1. Be blessed this Christmas day.

  6. I've never heard this song before. Thanks so much for sharing it on this Christmas Day. It's touching and beautiful.
    Holiday blessings to you and your family.

  7. Merry Christmas Donna, aka Mosie!! Your mama knew you had talent. I've never heard this song before. It is a beautiful song and you did a great job singing it. Thank you so much. Love from Carlene in GA. ( ps. I love your hair! Did you curl it?)

    1. I've never had to curl my hair. It's naturally curly.

    2. I just realized, you probably thought my hair looked "different" than usual. That's because I wear a close-fitting stocking cap when I go outside. It takes the curls OUT of my hair.

  8. How wonderful that your mom taught you songs! Precious memories. My mom was a piano minor in college so we would play Christmas duets and sing a long which was very fun!

  9. Hope you got my last comment.


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