We'll get to that, but first I will tell you that Butch has a birth defect; not to worry, though. I took them to the vet soon after I got them and mentioned his "broken" tail. The lady I got him from had mentioned that she didn't know how his tail got bent, but I've had a couple cats over the years that gotten their tails caught when someone closed the door on them, and figured that happened to Butch.
The vet said since it was his tail he'd be alright and not to worry. It's scoliosis, but since it's his tail, he's fine. I've googled this though, and it could be he might have problems later... he has a very slight limp for one thing. I still won't worry, believe me. If the worst happens we'll take care of it by putting him out of his misery. If you are interested in reading about this condition, it's HERE. It's caused by inbreeding.
I've finally gotten them eating properly without Butch trying to eat out of both bowls, squeezing Unique out all the time. They aren't quite as crazy as they were. They are taking long naps on chairs in the afternoon. I'm having trouble with them clawing my furniture, but I have some clawing posts coming that may help. I will confess that it would have been better to just have one cat, but the two of them have given me a lot to laugh about. Unique has chosen Cliff as her human, and gets on his lap often. Butch is still trying to be the boss in this house, and he is still fearless.
And now, some photos taken recently:
Nap time |
Whose cats are these, anyhow? |
They have two of these cat-mats and have great fun with them |
There's nothing better than a box to play with |
Who wants a treat? Those two dogs on the left belong to my oldest granddaughter, who captured this picture. |
Debby, is this all you needed to know about the cats?
Aw. I certainly hope Butch will be ok. That inbreeding defects chance is why we'd resisted getting one of our neighbor's kittens. His original 3 were all orange...all 3 unfixed of course. At one point he'd had over 17 there. I think disease and predators have weeded them down. The kitten I snagged from our barn is gray and was obviously from the stray male. We hope she's not got any defects. Rebecca in SW MO
ReplyDeleteI’m allergic to cats but love them. In Mexico we had 3 cats. They were mousers. The adored my husband Roger and would follow him around. When he went to study for his next sermon, they followed. They waited outside and followed him back home. I’ve had a cat or two with a crooked tail. Blessings, Penny
ReplyDeleteThose cats have surely grown! They look like they would keep you entertained. Does Gabe play with them too?
ReplyDeleteYes, he sometimes does. Most often though, he will run and chase them. They like that, and run like the dickens. Sometimes Butch smacks him in the face. Butch is fearless and afraid of nothing..
DeleteEven with a scratching post, Mari has done damage to some of my furniture. She's particularly fond of the sort of woven fabric. I still love her though!