I sometimes mention that I attend two churches each Sunday, but that doesn't mean I think I am super righteous or better than anybody. Believe me, I'm at the bottom of the heap when it comes to being better than anyone.
I was raised going to church three times a week, not to mention the times we had a Gospel Meeting and went every evening for a week to hear a different preacher. Most churches would call that a revival, but the Churches of Christ never used that term.
There have been several times in my life when I didn't attend church at all, I'm sad to say. I didn't even want to. Oh, I've gone to various churches for years, then quit attending any church at all for years. But in my sixties, I began to feel a longing, sort of like homesickness; I would pick up my guitar and sing the old hymns; they almost made me cry, I missed them so much.
After my husband retired, I begged him to go to church with me, since he would have all the time in the world to do what he wanted, now that he didn't have to go to work. He didn't really want to, but he agreed. I chose an independent church that was relatively new in our town. It was more like a Baptist church than anything else. We went there for two or three years, but my husband doesn't like going to church and began to resent it more and more. I realized I was wrong, trying to force him to go.
My next problem was that I don't drive. But we are only a mile and a half from town, where there are four churches to choose from, and he was happy to take me to any of them. Since I had gone to the Baptist church back in the 80's... my two children were baptized there... that's the one I chose. There aren't a lot of people there any more, only one person I remembered from the old days. But they sang the hymns and they were all so very nice, and happy to see someone new. The preacher's wife loves to garden, so we have that in common. Lately there are a few different people coming, and there have even been some baptisms.
Their services start around 10:30. Meanwhile, four blocks away, there is a Methodist Church with so few people attending (sometimes as few as 10) that a preacher comes to handle the service starting at 9 A.M., then drives 15 miles to a larger town to preach to another congregation at 10:30. I figured I could go there for the service, then walk four or five blocks to the Baptist church. Cliff drops me off at one and picks me up at the other now.
I've been going to both these churches for five or six years. I am neither Baptist or Methodist, but I love the people in both places. The Baptists are more like the church I grew up in, but I like to be around any people who know what Jesus is about; if we can all talk about Jesus together, or share Bible verses, I am quite comfortable. You see, all the rest of my week, nobody cares about "that stuff". But on Sunday, I am home again... TWICE.
God works in mysterious ways, and I have found I am more comfortable at church without my husband along. He's a good man, but at church he's a fish out of water.
You know, I was thinking, you are making up for any services you missed in your lifetime by attending two. I love the old hymns.
ReplyDeleteThe system works well for Cliff and you, thus it's perfect!
ReplyDeleteI did not grow up going to church with any regularity. I have a mental breakdown in my late 20's and was hospitalized for a brief time. I received counseling and more at a Methodist church from a psychologist who was also a junior pastor. My husband would have done anything to keep me on an even keel and went with me. We explored other churches and ended up at an Assemby of God. I had found my place in that church and loved it, sang in the choir, directed a children's choir and someties taught children's church. Very involved in that church, my husband played drums and was happy to do so. He became disenchanted after my two oldest children ran away from home and the youth pastor preached a sermon about parents needing to be more involved in their children's activities in the church. Might as well have called us out by name. No doubt this stemmed from a comment I made to him when asked to accompany the teen youth as a chaperone. I declined, since I was already at the church everytime the doors opened and I worked, as well. I made a joke to him that I really did not like teens, that there should be an island called Puberty to take them until they were decent to be around again. A joke, but maybe I should have stated that my calling was for the younger children and not teens. I did tell him I appreciated that he liked to be around the teens. I will say that he senior pastor did reprimand the youth pastor and told him that my joke was just that, but my husband would not go back. I always hated to see those martyred women going without their mates and "testifying" about the faults of their husbands. Not your situation, and like you, I have a yearning. In my gardens every morning I sing old hymns and say prayers in my peaceful world. I would like to go and do mention it from time to time and there will be a day when he decides to go and I will rejoice silently. I comfort myself in knowing that you can praise God and have a relationship without church, but I also know that fellow Christians strengthen you. Maybe I will just take note of your example and go on my own!
ReplyDeleteI went to an Assembly of God for probably 8 years. The lady I rode with lived nearby and we went three times a week. Together we watched the babies of people who came to Sunday School. I only stopped going because my friend's husband went into a Senior nursing home and she since he was in the same town as that church, she wanted to stay with him on Sunday afternoons. Then I didn't go to church for quite some time.
DeleteI'm sure sorry that happened to you guys. Churches are full of the same imperfect people as the rest of the world, but we should act better because we are supposed to be examples of Jesus. I know I goof plenty and I hate it when it happens. I hope you try again. Saying a prayer you can find a church you like and loves you back.
DeleteI assume you are talking to Kathy. I have never had any reason to leave a church.
DeleteI love hearing about people's faith journeys, and yours is a good one!