Sunday, September 10, 2017

More pictures from the Western Minnesota Steam Show

There were a couple of flies in the ointment during our visit to the big Show:  First off, it rained on our first day.  I had checked the weather for that area and saw there was a 40% chance of showers and was hoping for the best, but when we arrived shortly after noon on Friday, we ended up walking around in the rain.  We took a trip around the grounds on the train, where we were somewhat sheltered from the drizzle; at least we didn't have to wait in line to ride, with most of the visitors long gone.  Rather than show you the pathetic little video I made of the train, I'll share this much better one I found on Youtube from seven years ago:

Most of the activities, obviously, are out in the open and had shut down, so we ventured from one sheltered area to another.  We toured one of the old two-story farm houses where the ladies were baking things in the kitchen and passing bites of under-done bread to those of us who had been brave enough to stick around and weather the rain.  I give them a pass on the under-done bread, since they were relatively young women using a wood stove.  Heaven knows I couldn't bake anything properly on a wood stove, and I'm far past "young".

We finally called it quits and went to the most wonderful hotel we've ever stayed in.  Next morning the sun shone brightly, making it a perfect day for outside activities; so we were on our way: it's a thirty-mile trip from Fargo, North Dakota, where we spent the night, to Rollag.  There's a huge camping area on the steam show grounds for people who own RV's, but the closest town with lots of hotels is Fargo.

I left Cliff looking at some of the many tractors parked in various spots around the place, told him I had my cell phone with me, and went on to more interesting things.  Don't get me wrong, I like old tractors.  But when you go to tractor shows regularly, you've pretty much seen every kind and color in existence.  I had other things to discover.

I figured this would be a change of pace.

Fat chance of me catching ANY sort of sewing virus.  I'm totally immune.

Here's a scene right out of the old Andy Griffith Show.  A lady's sewing circle.  

Here's a lady who knows how to turn wool into thread, then into fabric.

Right down Main Street from the women's activities is another of the old homes on the property.  I'm not positive, but I think this is the house that was originally on the farm.  

Others, like the 1930's home in a picture I shared yesterday, were moved here, as was this next one.  

Notice the water in the background.  Minnesota has natural lakes and ponds all over the place, caused by glaciers long ago.  

There was at least one person available in every one of the houses, and at every display, to answer questions.  The fellow at the table talked about the fact that not one window or door is the same size as the others.  I had to smile at this, because when the grandson remodeled our old house, he complained about that very fact. "But they built their houses to last!" the guy said.  

  What a peaceful scene!

That's today's random set of pictures.  Next entry I'll tell you how I lost my husband at the show... or maybe he lost me.  

1 comment:

  1. I love the scenery and the old-fashioned look of it all. I am also immune to the quilting pox. Someone actually suggested on my blog that I take up quilting in my retirement. Not a chance. Cooking maybe, but not sewing.


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