Thursday, February 27, 2025

Another good day

We recently found out our car insurance we've had for many years was going to go up by $200, making us pay over $700 every six months.  Cliff hasn't had an accident for many years, and we don't go on long trips.  I googled a couple of things about car insurance and landed on a page that said, "Get an auto insurance quote." 

Cliff was outside in the shop, so I couldn't ask him it I should do it.  Finally I just decided to do it; the worst that can happen is I start getting a lot of phone calls for awhile.  

Thirty minutes later I got a call from a lady offering to see if State Farm could help us.  From what I told her about our insurance, she said she thought she could save us some money.  I told her to give me her phone number and I'd have my husband call her.  Then I went to the shop and told him about what she said.  When I mentioned she was from State Farm, he said, "My nephew Scotty's son sells State Farm insurance, so if I'm going to get that, I'll get it from him."

After our noon meal he made the call, and signed up over the phone.  We will save almost $200 every six months.  It's still a lot, but I'm happy.

I'm getting back to my walking now.  Starting back after the cold and snow was very painful, but this morning it has started getting easier.  Oh, and when I reached the spot where my cabin in the woods used to be, I saw an eagle flying over the riverbottom just north of our place, probably looking for a rabbit or mouse to eat.  I love seeing eagles.     


  1. It's smart to get quotes for insurance every few years. Like you said, what's the worst that could happen?

  2. Well look at you! You saved over $500 yesterday, $400 more today. What are you going to do with $900? 😜

    All joking aside, being mindful about our spending is the best thing we can do for ourselves right now. We just found an extra $330 a month, so we are feeling pretty darn good about ourselves.

  3. I should try to get cheaper insurance but I'm more interested in if they pay out well. Most teachers used to have policies with PEMCO; however, if you got a ticket or in one small accident, they cancelled you. It wasn't fun to find another insurance company once cancelled by them. When my dad died, my mom's insurance with them was going to go up substantially so she switched. There was no reason for the increase; it should have been a decrease with Dad off the policy. In my long-winded way, I'm trying to say that insurance can be a scam. Cliff going through someone he knows is the best bet!


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